
Electron microscopy of the cell envelope of Spirillum putridiconchylium, using negatively stained, thin-sectioned, and replicated freeze-etched preparations, showed two superficial wall layers forming a complex macromolecular pattern on the external surface. The outer structured layer was a linear array of particles overlying an inner tetragonal array of larger subunits. They were associated in a very regular fashion, and the complex was bonded to the outer, pitted surface of the lipopolysaccharide tripartite layer of the cell wall. The relationship of the components of the two structured layers was resolved with the aid of optical diffraction, combined with image filtering and reconstruction and linear and rotary integration techniques. The outer structural layer consisted of spherical 1.5-nm units set in double lines determined by the size and arrangement of 6- by 3-nm inner structural layer subunits, which bore one outer structural layer unit on each outer corner. The total effect of this arrangement was a double-ridged linear structure that was evident in surface replicas and negatively stained fragments of the whole wall. The packing of these units was not square but skewed by 2 degrees off the perpendicular so that the "unit array" described by optical diffraction and linear integration appeared to be a deformed tetragon. The verity of the model was checked by using a photographically reduced image to produce an optical diffraction pattern for comparison with that of the actual layers. The correspondence was nearly perfect.

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