
Besides silicone and acrylic lenses thermoplastic lenses, such as the MemoryLens, are being increasingly used. Thermoplastic lenses are implanted through a small incision in a rolled state so that they unfold in the capsular bag. Here we describe a complication that has had appeared in two patients. After phacoemulsification a MemoryLens was implanted in 35 years of 35 patients through an incision in the clear cornea revealing two cases of scratched anterior surfaces after implantation. The scratches were caused by the tip of the forceps through excessive pressure and mechanical force during implantation due to an incision slightly too small. By a lens diameter of 2.31 mm in a rolled state we do not only recommend a forceps with rounded ends but also an incision width of 3.8 mm in order to perform a safe implantation without damage to the lens surface.

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