
Ni51.5Fe21.5Ga27.0 single crystals have been subjected to different heat treatments resulting in a different degree of L21 ordering. Superelastic response has been measured at different temperatures in compression mode. The mechanical behavior strongly depends on axis orientation. In the [001] direction, perfect superelasticity over a wide range of temperatures is found. For the [110] orientation, the material fails by brittle fracture short above austenite transformation finish temperature, Af. A linear dependence of the critical stress with temperature has been found in agreement with Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The slope does not significantly change with the degree of order, but it is notably affected by the crystal orientation. The microstructure of the samples after mechanical tests has been studied by transmission electron microscopy. The superelastic cycling produces dislocations with a Burgers vector that suggests local microplastic deformation of the martensitic phase. Finally, the adiabatic temperature change has been used to chacterize the elastocaloric effect in this alloy. The adiabatic cooling is found to be larger in the [110] than in the [001] orientation at 240 K. However, the brittleness of [110] samples avoid testing the adiabatic temperature change at room temperature. The adiabatic cooling in [001] orientation decreases systematically with temperature, which is related to decrease of the strain and entropy change of transformation.

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