
The production of SC CO2 extracts from different types of biologically active raw materials growing in different soil and climatic conditions has been studied and continues to be studied. The object of this study was the bones of a wild medlar (Mespilus germanica L.) growing in Azerbaijan. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal technological parameters of extraction. The experimental part of the work included obtaining oil from medlar seeds by supercritical fluid extraction with carbon dioxide at the extraction plant of the company “SITEC” Switzerland at different technological parameters and determining the content of fatty acids by gas-liquid chromatography with mass-selective detection (GC-MS). Data were obtained characterizing the oil yield in a wide range of temperatures (40 …80°C) and pressures (100 …280 bar), as well as its physico-chemical parameters and fatty acid profile. It has been established that the optimal parameters for the extraction process are a pressure of 150-250 bar (preferably 200 bar), a temperature of 40°C, a time of 1 - 1.5 h. The data obtained allow us to get a more complete picture of the biotechnological potential of the local medlar as a raw material for processing by modern extraction methods.

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