
The main goal of the present paper is to assess the available information so as to obtain a general procedure for dealing with the critical enhancement of the thermodynamic and transport properties of supercritical CO2 and CO2 containing binary mixtures for practical and scientific applications. The present review provides comprehensive analysis of the thermodynamic and transport properties of supercritical carbon dioxide and CO2 containing binary mixtures (experiment and theory) and their various technological and scientific applications in different natural and industrial processes. The available information for the thermodynamic and transport properties (experiment and theory) enhancement (anomaly) of supercritical carbon dioxide and SC CO2 + solute mixtures is comprehensively reviewed. The effect of long-range order parameter fluctuations on the thermodynamic and transport properties of supercritical fluids (SC CO2) will be discussed. Simplified scaling type equation based on mode-coupling theory of critical dynamics with two critical amplitudes and one cutoff wave number as fluid-specific parameters was used to accurately predict of the transport properties of supercritical carbon dioxide. The recommended values of the specific parameters (asymptotic critical amplitudes) of the carbon dioxide for practical (prediction of the thermodynamic and transport properties of the supercritical CO2 for technological applications) and scientific use were provided. The role of the critical line shapes of the carbon dioxide containing binary mixture (SC CO2+solvent) in determination of the critical behavior of the mixture near the critical point of pure supercritical solvent (CO2) is discussed. Krichevskii parameter concept for a description of thermodynamic behavior of dilute near-critical SC CO2+solute mixtures is also discussed. The structural and thermodynamic properties of the carbon dioxide containing binary mixtures near the critical point of pure solvent (CO2) are discussed.

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