
Abstract There is a quite unexpected connection between the classical pendulum— chaotic or otherwise—and quantum mechanics when it functions on a macroscopic scale, as happens in superconductors. More specifically, the connection arises through something known as the Josephson effect. It turns out that there is an exact correspondence between the dynamics of Josephson devices and the dynamics of the classical pendulum. To uncover this curious relationship, we first review some essential ideas about superconductors and superconducting devices. The Dutch physicist H. Kamerlingh Onnes , noted in an earlier chapter for his Ph.D. dissertation on the Foucault pendulum, made his mark in the world of science for great discoveries in low temperature physics. Three years after receiving his degree in 1879, Onnes ascended to the chair in experimental physics at the University of Leiden in Holland. His research interest was low temperature physics and, like others in England and on the continent, he worked to achieve ever lower temperatures through the liquefaction of gases.

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