
Voltage-tunable superconductor-semiconductor devices offer a unique platform to realize dynamic tunability in superconducting quantum circuits. By galvanically connecting a gated $\mathrm{In}\mathrm{As}$-$\mathrm{Al}$ Josephson junction to a coplanar waveguide resonator, we demonstrate the use of a superconducting element with wideband gate tunability. We show that the resonant frequency is controlled via a gate-tunable Josephson inductance and that the nonlinearity of the $\mathrm{In}\mathrm{As}$-$\mathrm{Al}$ junction is nondissipative as is the case with conventional ${\mathrm{Al}\mathrm{O}}_{\mathrm{x}}\text{-Al}$ junctions. As the gate voltage is decreased, the inductive participation of the junction increases up to $44\mathrm{%}$, resulting in the resonant frequency being tuned by over $2\phantom{\rule{0.2em}{0ex}}\mathrm{GHz}$. Utilizing the wide tunability of the device, we demonstrate that two resonant modes can be adjusted such that they strongly hybridize, exhibiting an avoided-level crossing with a coupling strength of $51\phantom{\rule{0.2em}{0ex}}\mathrm{MHz}$. Implementing such voltage-tunable resonators is the first step toward realizing wafer-scale continuous voltage control in superconducting circuits for qubit-qubit coupling, quantum limited amplifiers, and quantum memory platforms.

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