
Dear Editor, Antibiotic resistance is rapidly rising. Many bacterial infections are now very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to treat. Gram negative bacteria are the pointy end of this growing problem, including very common bacteria such as E. coli. Antibiotic resistance is proportional to use. The more antibiotics used, the more resistance develops and spreads. This is both in individuals (e.g. with pneumococcus) and for populations in different countries. With many common bacteria, transmission is almost entirely human-to-human (e.g. pneumococcus, gonococcus, meningococcus). Thus, any antibiotic resistance seen in these bacteria will be almost entirely due to antibiotics used in the human sector. However with some other bacteria, the resistance seen is almost entirely due to what has occurred in the agriculture sector. Examples are non-typhoid salmonella and campylobacter. In developed countries these bacteria are almost entirely acquired from food animals (via foods). These are zoonoses, and thus almost all the antibiotic resistance is a result of what happens with antibiotic use in food animals. Vegetarians are also at risk because water, food crops and fields (via manure) can be contaminated with resistant bacteria. There is also the additional chance of cross contamination of non-meat products from meats along the food chain. There are other bacteria where the risk of acquisition from animal sources is more difficult to precisely define, but appears to be quite important. Examples are E. coli and Enterococcus. We also sometimes get surprises. Until recently Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA were thought to be almost fairly exclusive human pathogens. However, in many countries (e.g. The Netherlands and Denmark), MRSA is now found frequently in pigs and these strains infect people. Clostridium difficile is now clearly associated with food animals and people are infected with strains found in these animals. There are increasing numbers of people with community onsetC. difficile infections. Foods are a likelyway these bacterial strains were acquired. Resistant E. coli are a major concern because E. coli is the most commonbacterial pathogen causing serious infections in people. Bloodstream infection rates vary from 25–60 per 100 000 people per year.This is just the tip of the iceberg, for every such serious and life threatening bloodstream infection, there are likely to be about a hundred other infections (e.g. urinary tract infections).What is nowvery disconcerting is the increasingmulti-resistance resistanceworldwide inE. coli. Much of this resistance in E. coli (especially to third generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones) is related to resistance that develops in bacteria carried by food animals – especially poultry. This resistance results from the misuse of antibiotics in these animals. Worldwide each year, billions of chicken are injected with third generation cephalosporins just before or after hatching (with ceftiofur) and/or fed fluoroquinolones in their drinking water (e.g. enrofloxacin) for nearly all their lives. Antibiotics have been used for over 60 years as growth promoters. They are also used for prophylaxis (called ‘metaphylaxis’when large numbers of animals or entire herds are treated at the same time). This is in stark contrast to what happens in human medicine, where individual patient use is the norm. It effectively means that huge numbers of animals are treated continuously for most of their life with either in-feed or in-water antibiotics. It explains why over 70% of all antibiotics used in most countries are used in food animals. Some of these prophylactic antibiotics are last-line or ‘critically important’ classes of antibiotics for humans, such as the fluoroquinolones and third and fourth generation cephalosporins. While there is ongoing debate on what proportion of antibiotic resistant bacteria infecting people come from food animals, it appears to be substantial. An example of where good practice can help people with serious infections is Australia. It is the only country that has banned the use of fluoroquinolones in food animals. It is not coincidental that Australia has also one of the lowest resistance rates in campylobacter, salmonella and E. coli to fluoroquinolones in the world.

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