
Let v, k, and μ be positive integers. A tournament T of order k, briefly k-tournament, is a directed graph on k vertices in which there is exactly one directed edge between any two vertices. A (v, k, λ = 2μ)-BIBD is called T-orientable if for each of its blocks B, it is possible to replace B by a copy of T on the set B so that every ordered pair of distinct points appears in exactly μ k-tournaments. A (v, k, λ = 2μ)-BIBD is called pan-orientable if it is T-orientable for every possible k-tournament T. In this paper, we continue the earlier investigations and complete the spectrum for (v, 4, λ = 2μ)-BIBDs which possess both the pan-orientable property and the pan-decomposable property first introduced by Granville et al. (Graphs Comb 5:57–61, 1989). For all μ, we are able to show that the necessary existence conditions are sufficient. When λ = 2 and v > 4, our designs are super-simple, that is they have no two blocks with more than two common points. One new corollary to this result is that there exists a (v, 4, 2)-BIBD which is both super-simple and directable for all v ≡ 1, 4 (mod 6), v > 4. Finally, we investigate the existence of pan-orientable, pan-decomposable (v, 4, λ = 2μ)-BIBDs with a pan-orientable, pan-decomposable (w, 4, λ = 2μ)-BIBD as a subdesign; here we obtain complete results for λ = 2, 4, but there remain several open cases for λ = 6 (mostly for v < 4w), and the case λ = 12 still has to be investigated.

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