
Background/Objectives: This study gives an extended and the new kinds of super root cube of cube difference labeling of some graphs are obtained. Methods/ Findings: We derive super root cube of cube difference labeling of path related graph and analyzed cycle related graphs. Keywords: Triangular Snake T_n; Cycle graph C_n; Crown C_n©K_1; pendent edge to both sides of each vertex of a path Pn; supr root cube of cube difference labeling of graphs.


  • All graphs G = (V (G), E(G)) with p vertices and q edges we mean a simple connected and undirected graph

  • In this study we discuss about the super root cube of cube difference labeling and investigate certain families of graphs

  • G is said to be a cube difference labeling if there exists a injective function f : v(G) → {0, 1, . . . , p − 1} such that the induced function f ∗ : E(G) → N is given by f ∗(uv) = [ f (u)]3 − [ f (v)]3 is injective

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Shiama (1), studied square difference labeling of some graphs. S.Sandhya et al (3), was initiated the concept of root square mean labeling of graphs. Kannan et al (4), introduced the concept of super root square mean labeling of disconnected graphs are discussed. In 2017, R.Gowri and G.Vembarasi (5), was discussed root cube mean labeling of graphs. R.Gowri and G.Vembarasi(6), extended the new concept of root cube difference labeling of graphs are introduced in 2018. In 2019, S.Kulandhai Theresa and K.Romila (7), was discussed the concept of cube root cube mean labeling of graphs are introduced. In 2020, R.Gowri and G.Vembarasi(8) recently introduced the concept of root cube of cube difference labeling of graphs. In this study we discuss about the super root cube of cube difference labeling and investigate certain families of graphs

Super Root Cube Of Cube Difference Labeling of Graphs
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