
New hybrids of the first generation of sunflower of three ripeness groups with a high content of oleic acid in oil have been bred at the Federal State Budget Scientific Research Institute of the South-East region. A study of these hybrids in the conditions of the Saratov region in 2017–2018, conducted as a competitive varietal test, showed that new hybrids of the first generation of sunflower with a record oleic acid content in oil were obtained: early-ripening hybrid PG 784 - 79.0%, short-season hybrid PG-815 - 85.0%, mid-season hybrid PG-802 - 82.2%, which is 8.3-14.3% more than previous hybrids. The maximum harvest of oleic acid per unit area in the best early ripening hybrid of PG 784 was 1.06 t/ha, in the best short-season hybrids PG-812, PG-814 and PG-815 –1.02 t/ha, in the best mid-ripening hybrid PG-802 - 1.14 t/ha. It has been experimentally proved that, in the Saratov region it is possible to breed early-ripening, short-season and mid-ripening hybrids of the first generation of sunflower with an oleic acid content in oil of more than 80% and harvesting of oleic acid from a unit area of more than 1 t/ha.

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