
Bandung Regency majority lived by Sundanese, is one of the regencies in West Java Province that has a variety of local wisdom. One of them is the local wisdom in the Lebakwangi area of Arjasari sub-district, which is the ngebakeun (bathing) ceremony that held every year on the 12th of Mulud. One of the activities is bathing kabuyutan gamelan instruments called Gamelan Embah Bandong. From the bathing (ngebakeun) activities and Gamelan Embah Bandong performance which was held at Bumi Alit (small house), Kabuyutan contains values such as friendship and togetherness. The purpose of this research is to find out and study in depth the activities and local wisdom in the Lebakwangi area. The method used in this research is descriptive in the qualitative form. According to the type of data needed, which is qualitative data then the data collection techniques is by using open interview techniques, observation, documentation studies and literature studies. As an implication of this study, among others, as recommendations for more in-depth research in the future, as well as recommendations to the government at both the District and Sub-district Bandung levels in an effort to preserve Sundanese historical sites and local wisdom that develops in the community.

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