
SUMOylation and anther growth. During fertilization, stamen elongation needs to be synchronized with pistil growth. The phytohormone gibberellic acid (GA) promotes stamen growth by stimulating the degradation of growth repressing DELLA proteins. DELLA accumulation is negatively regulated by GAs through the ubiquitin-proteasome system. In Arabidopsis thaliana, a proportion of DELLAs is also conjugated to the small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) protein, which stabilizes DELLAs. Increased DELLA levels occur in the SUMO protease-deficient OVERLY TOLERANT TO SALT 1 and 2 (ots1 ots2) double mutants, especially under salt stress conditions. Here, we show that OTS genes play a redundant role in the control of plant fertility under non-stress conditions. Mutants of ots1 ots2 display reduced fertility compared with the wild type, owing to reduced stamen elongation. Stamen growth, pollination rate and seed production are restored in ots1 ots2 della mutants, thus linking OTS1 function to the control of DELLA activity in the context of filament elongation. OTS levels appear to be developmentally regulated as OTS1/2 transcript upregulation during stamen development overlaps with GAs accumulations. We propose that OTS genes enable synchronization of stamen development by facilitating DELLA degradation at a specific developmental stage.

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