
Almost two hundred years, the Monroe doctrine has been an ideological justification of the US policy to promote its interests and subdue the Western Hemisphere, despite statements about its cancellation in February 2013. Over time, the US authorities have used different tools for its implementation. Those tools were based on a specific internal and international situation. A new format of relations - Summits of the Americas - the regular meetings of all the American states' heads (except Cuba) was offered to the neighboring states under new geopolitical conditions at the turn of the 20th-21st century in order to discuss the most burning problems of the region and deal with them. In reality, after almost thirty years of this policy it becomes obvious that the United States are not going to abandon the continuation of their neocolonial course or to solve the most complex socio-economic problems of the peoples of America. At the same time, the latter are against interference in their internal affairs and the dictates of American interests.

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