
Green areas situated inside the city play a very important role for many aspects. Among other, from the social point of view, they have a positive impact on the life of city habitants: directly improve well-being and health, reduce noise, provide opportunities for activity and recreation, improve the tourist attractiveness of the city, etc. The objective of this study was to assess thermal sensations and preferences of people staying outdoors for recreational purposes in the area of the city park during summer 2019, as well as to identify how bioclimate perceptions are modified by personal factors (physical and physiological). In order to determine the optimum thermal zone for recreation and urban tourism during the summer, the regression model for mean thermal preferences (MTPV) every 1 °C in PET value intervals was calculated, and according to this procedure, the preferable spectrum of thermal conditions for tourism and recreation in Warsaw which is related to the PET value range between 27.3 and 31.7 °C. All age groups indicated the highest frequency of neutral thermal sensation vote, which decreased with feeling more extreme thermal conditions. In the case of classification by the gender, the men more than the women indicated the thermal conditions as neutral, “slightly warm,” and “warm.” Studies have shown that women were more sensitive than men to extreme thermal sensations especially “hot” and men more often than women indicated greater acceptance for comfortable and warmer thermal conditions.

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