
THE University of Bristol, in co-operation with the Institute of Physics, is arranging a Summer School in theoretical physics, with particular application to cohesive forces in metals and mechanical properties of solids, to take place during July 2-5. Lectures will be given by Prof. N. M. Mott, Dr. H. Frohlich, and other members of the staff of the Laboratory. The course will be followed by a Conference on the Mechanical Properties of Solids (July 7-9), at which papers on the experimental and theoretical aspects of the subject will be given by research workers from Great Britain and abroad. The Summer School is intended mainly for members of staffs of Government and industrial research laboratories who wish to familiarize themselves with the theoretical aspects of subjects on which they have carried out experimental investigations. Subjects to be treated will include : cohesive forces in metals and elements of the zone theory ; properties of Taylor dislocations ; the Griffith crack theory ; deformation of non-metals and theories of viscosity of liquids. The Conference will deal with the same subjects, and the lectures in the Summer School will be designed to provide the theoretical background for the discussions of the Conference. There will be no fee for the Conference, and it is not envisaged that everyone attending the Conference will wish to attend the Summer School. Accommodation will be reserved for a limited number at the University hall of residence, Wills Hall, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, 9. Particulars as to admission and as to the fees payable for the Summer School can be obtained either from the Secretary of the Institute of Physics, 47 Belgrave Square, London, S.W.I, or from the Director of tjie Department of Adult Education, University, Bristol

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