
The relationship between monthly rainfall over Bangladesh during monsoon season and bi-monthly Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) pertaining to the period from first week of previous month to first week of the month under consideration, has been investigated. The MEI is calculated as the first Principal Component (PC) of six variables over the tropical Pacific, viz., sea surface temperature, sea level pressure, zonal and meridional components of the surface wind, surface air temperature and total cloudiness fraction of the sky. The MEI values for prognostic purposes are available by the first week of every month. MEI is better for monitoring ENSO than other indices like Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) or various SST indices as it integrates complete information on ENSO and reflects the nature of complete ocean atmosphere system. Positive values of MEI indicate warm ENSO phase (EI-Nino) and negative ones represent cold phase (La-Nina).
 The results of the present study show that June rainfall of Bangladesh is adversely affected by the ENSO. But interestingly Bangladesh seems to receive more than normal rainfall during August of ENSO years. ENSO does not seem to have any significant adverse impact on July and September rainfall of Bangladesh. The results of the study may find applications in foreshadowing monsoon rainfall over Bangladesh on a monthly scale.

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