
The materials on the qualitative and quantitative composition of forage plants in the diets of the protected species Saiga tatarica and domestic sheep Ovis aries on the territory of the Chernye Zemli (northwestern part of the Caspian lowland) are presented. Data on the diet of two species of animals were obtained using the method of cuticular micro histological analysis of excrement. In the summer ration of both animal species, 24 plant species were noted, of which 4 species were preferred by both sheep and saigas. The share of cereals in the saiga’s diet was 30%, while the share of cereals in sheep is twice as high. Both species of animals preferred Poa bulbosa from cereals, the proportion of which in their summer diet was 26-38%. Herbs account for 27% of the saiga’s diet and 35% for domestic sheep. The most preferable species for saigas in summer was Carex stenophylla, with a 42% share in the diet.

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