
Individuals from a population of Hastings River mouse (Pseudomys oralis) were radio tracked in a short-term investigation of home range, habitat use and movement patterns in Marengo State Forest on the northern tablelands of New South Wales. Results were assessed in the context of conservation and management of this threatened species and compared to research in other parts of the species? distribution. The mean summer-autumn home range (Minimum Convex Polygon) of five animals that met the home range asymptote was 0.78�ha, the minimum home range for fourteen mice was 0.72�ha, while median home range for males was 0.8�ha and females 0.53�ha. There was no significant difference in home range size between sexes. Habitat data indicated that fallen logs, including tree head and butt residue following logging, are important refuge and nest sites, even when rocks and hollows are available. A diversity of fern and other ground plant species (including grasses) was important habitat for the species, microhabitat consisting predominantly of sedge and rush was not favoured.

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