
This is the first in a series of papers. It deals with the linked-cluster summation of the perturbation series in quantum mechanics and quantum statistical physics. In particular, a formalism is developed for calculating the matrix element of the operator $\mathrm{exp}(+sH)$, where $H$ is the quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian operator. It is found that the matrix element may be written as an ordinary $c$-number integral of a $c$-number function over the phase space. This function is found by doing a linked-cluster summation of the usual perturbation series. It is in the form of an exponential of an effective Hamiltonian, ${H}_{\mathrm{eff}}$, which is a function of the parameter $s$ and the $c$-number momentum and position coordinates. We have assumed that the Hamiltonian has no spin-dependent terms. The matrix element is written in such a form that it may be used for calculating the transition matrix elements in time-dependent perturbation theory as well as for calculating the canonical partition function ${Z}_{N}$ in quantum statistical mechanics. The former is obtained by substituting $s=\ensuremath{-}\frac{\mathrm{it}}{\ensuremath{\hbar}}$ and the latter by substituting $s=\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\beta}$. The series for ${H}_{\mathrm{eff}}$ depends only on the potential and is independent of the statistics. The effects of the statistics (Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac, or Maxwell-Boltzmann) are all included in a certain factor multiplying $\mathrm{exp}(s{H}_{\mathrm{eff}})$. Thus we have succeeded in separating the statistical and quantum corrections. These latter arise from the noncommutativity of the position and momentum operators. The effective Hamiltonian is an infinite series. A diagrammatic technique is given for evaluating this series. It is an expansion in powers of the coupling constant and can also be expanded in powers of Planck's constant. In general, it is not possible to give a closed-form expression for ${H}_{\mathrm{eff}}$. But for most practical cases it is sufficient to keep the first few powers of Planck's constant $\ensuremath{\hbar}$, because it is very small. We therefore have an entirely new method of approximation. The statistical effect may always be included exactly. No numerical estimates are made in this paper.

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