
The realization of the 19.6m2 highly heat loaded part of the divertor of Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) requires the installation of 890 target elements. A target element is made of a CuCrZr copper alloy heat sink armored with carbon fibre reinforced carbon CFC NB31 tiles. The industrial production of the target elements by the Austrian company PLANSEE SE needed 5 years. The successful delivery of a total of 973 target elements (armored with ∼16,200 tiles) was based on an efficient quality assurance throughout the production by the manufacturer: 44 different quality examinations for 82 manufacturing steps. It was followed by an intensive quality assessment by IPP: visual inspections, dynamic pressure tests, He-leak testing in vacuum oven, high heat flux testing. The quality of the delivered elements, and in particular the reliability of the bonding between CFC tiles and heat sink, was confirmed by high heat flux testing on the basis of a statistical approach. The essential recovery of CuCrZr properties after ageing processes was confirmed by the measurement of hardness and electrical conductivity. 104 target elements (10.7%) were accepted after repair.

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