
The Annual Business Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics was held at the Palmer House, Chicago, at 2:10 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1952. Dr. Warren W. Quillian, President of the Academy presided. It was moved, seconded and carried that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with and that they be approved as published. Dr. Lee Forrest Hill was appointed to serve as parliamentarian of the meeting. President Quillian paid tribute to the industry and efforts of the Board, and mentioned the following highlights from the abstracted report of the meeting: A tentative plan for life membership, as proposed by the Committee on Life Membership, was approved by the Board and definite plans will be available to the membership after the semi-annual meeting of the Board in 1953, so that those members 50 years of age and over, who wish to avail themselves of life membership classification, will have that privilege. The Board is thoroughly aware of the inadequacy of pediatric training in internship and discussed this question at length, and went on record as approving the Medical Education Committee's efforts toward making improvements. The report of the Executive Secretary was read by the Executive Secretary, Dr. E. H. Christopherson, as follows: "The American Academy of Pediatrics has just concluded a successful year when judged by standards of business operation; increase in membership; the activity of the officers, state chapters, Academy committees and Liaison Representatives; the success of the meetings and of Pediatrics and our relationships with other organizations.

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