
(a) Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 142092 Troitsk,Moscow region, Russia(b) FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics, P.O. Box 1207, NL-3430 BE Nieuwegein,The Netherlands(c) Istituto di Metodologie Avanzate Inorganiche, CNR, C.P. 10, I-00016 Monterotondo Sc.,Italy(Received May 8, 1999)We have studied vibrational spectra of thin films of copper phthalocyanine and fullerene of differ-ent thicknesses on silver obtained by a visible-infrared sum-frequency generation (SFG). The freeelectron laser FELIX was used as a source of broadband infrared and the pulsed Nd:YLF lasersystem as a source of visible radiation. Excitation of a surface plasmon on silver has allowed toenhance the efficiency of the SFG process. The SFG signal has appeared to be almost independentof the film thickness demonstrating the exclusive contribution of the interfacial layer to the SFGsignal.

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