
A Sum divisor cordial labeling of a graph G with vertex set V is a bijection r from V to {1,2,3,...,|V (G )|} such that an edge uv is assigned the label 1 if 2 divides r(u)+ r (v ) and 0 otherwise; and the number of edges labeled with 0 and the number of edges labeled with 1differ by at most 1 . A graph with a sum divisor cordial labeling is called sum divisor cordial graph. In this research paper, we investigate the sum divisor cordial labeling bahevior for Grötzsch graph, fusion of any two vertices in Grötzsch graph, duplication of an arbitrary vertex in Grötzsch graph, duplication of an arbitrary vertex by an edge in Grötzsch graph, switching of an arbitrary vertex of degree four in Grötzsch graph, switching of an arbitrary vertex of degree three in Grötzsch graph and path union of two copies of Grötzsch.

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