
Since his younger age, Sultan Hamengku Buwono II indicated that he always refused the Dutch intervention in the sultanate’s palace of Yogyakarta. He became rival of the Dutch governments because of his opinion that the Dutch had intervented too much in the cultural and noble life’s sultanate of Yogyakarta. After his coronation as a sultan in Yogyakarta in 1792, he kept his mind to guard the Java’s glorious tradition and the traditional power of the Sultan. This condition caused a great conflict between the Sultan and the Dutch government. Sultan HB II tried to refuse all the intervention of Dutch Government. As consequences of his character, the colonial government proposed to replace the Sultan with the crownprince. During his life, he accepted twice decoronation (in 1811 by Gouvernor General Daendels and in 1812 by Leutnant General Raflles) and he was exiled three times (Penang in 1812, Ambon in 1817 and Surabaya in 1825). Finally, the Dutch Government recalled him to be a sultan in Yogyakarta to persuade all princes who supported Prince Diponegoro’s revolt. Unfortunately, till his death, he still refused to cooperate with the colonial government. To the present, there are many works of this sultan as: literary works, philosophy, arts dan physical buildings, which describes his characters toward the colonial government.


  • Since his younger age, Sultan Hamengku Buwono II indicated that he always refused the Dutch intervention in the sultanate’s palace of Yogyakarta

  • He became rival of the Dutch governments because of his opinion that the Dutch had intervented too much in the cultural and noble life’s sultanate of Yogyakarta

  • After his coronation as a sultan in Yogyakarta in 1792, he kept his mind to guard the Java’s glorious tradition and the traditional power of the Sultan. This condition caused a great conflict between the Sultan and the Dutch government

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Sultan Hamengku Buwono (HB) II adalah raja di Kesultanan Yogyakarta yang memerintah antara tahun 1792 dan 1828. Pertama adalah masa pemerintahannya yang ditandai dengan pergolakan politik yang belum pernah terjadi di Jawa pada periode sebelumnya. Hal ini ditandai dengan terjadinya perubahan empat kali rezim kolonial dalam kurun waktu kurang dari setengah abad, yaitu dari VOC, Prancis, Inggris dan Belanda. Perubahan rezim yang juga menimbulkan pergantian kebijakan kolonial ini mengakibatkan terjadinya instabilitas politik dari penguasa kolonial khususnya tindakan pemerintah kolonial terhadap raja-raja pribumi. Sejauh ini berbagai sumber data yang ditinggalkan oleh para penguasa kolonial memuat laporan dan gambaran negatif terhadap raja Jawa ini. Kredibilitas informasi yang dimuat dalam data kolonial tentang Sultan HB II perlu dikritisi terutama lewat studi komparasi dengan sumber-sumber yang diperoleh dari naskah lokal yang sezaman (Jawa). Dari hasil perbandingan tersebut dapat diketahui bagaimana pribadi Sultan HB II yang sebenarnya dan peristiwa penting apa yang terjadi selama masa pemerintahannya. Di samping itu juga bisa diungkapkan karya apa yang diwariskannya dan motivasi apa yang mendasarinya

Sebelum Menjadi Raja
Kebijakan Politik dan Konflik
Karya-Karya Sultan HB II
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