
Innovative tools that benefit conservation are critical as freshwater fishes are lost at unprecedented rates. Mark-recapture methods can characterize population demographics and life-history traits of diverse fishes, but suitable techniques for tagging for individual recognition of small-bodied fishes are rare. Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag technology may facilitate the tagging of small fishes and early life stages of larger species. However, relatively little research has evaluated the suitability of these small (8.4 × 1.4 mm) tags for many groups of small fishes. Tag loss (retention and survival) and growth of individuals implanted with PIT tags relative to control and sham treatments were compared for eight fishes of differing morphologies. Additionally, the utility of cyanoacrylate to improve tag retention was tested on a subset of taxa. Fish of each species were equally divided and randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups (handled [control], surgical incision [sham], or surgical incision and PIT tag implantation [PIT]). During the 42-d study period, mortalities and expelled tags were counted daily and growth was measured weekly. Researchers can generally expect little tag loss and uncompromised growth rates for a variety of small-bodied fishes; however, initial fish length was related to the magnitude of physiological effects for some taxa (i.e., blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus, johnny darter Etheostoma nigrum, juvenile white sucker Catostomus commersonii). Relatively poor survival (<80%) was observed for two benthic species: johnny darter and blacknose dace, often when incision wounds became inflamed before healing. Prevalent tag loss for johnny darter, tadpole madtom Noturus gyrinus, and a dorsal-laterally compressed cyprinid can be reduced by closing the wounds with cyanoacrylate, but with substantially increased mortality rates. This research demonstrates the broad applicability of PIT tagging technology for ecological studies of small-bodied fishes and alleviates many concerns when surgically implanting tags into several fishes.

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