
Short hydration is a method to change partial intravenous hydration to oral to administer cisplatin (CDDP); however, the most suitable form of oral hydration is unknown. This study aimed to determine whether oral rehydration solution (ORS) affects CDDP-induced nephrotoxicity (CIN) and electrolyte imbalance. Lung cancer patients (n=200) who had received CDDP-including regimens (CDDP dosage ≥75 mg/m2) were retrospectively evaluated. We used logistic analysis to evaluate whether ORS intake could be a preventive factor for CIN (≥grade 2 serum creatinine elevation). Moreover, incidence of CIN and electrolyte imbalance and the variation in serum creatinine and electrolyte levels were compared between ORS and non-ORS (control) patients. CIN occurred in 9.8% of ORS patients, and 7.5% of non-ORS patients (p=0.79). The variation in serum creatinine level was also similar in both groups. Multivariate analysis suggested that ORS intake does not affect CIN, although CIN was associated with the coadministration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the presence of diabetes mellitus. The variations in serum electrolyte levels did not differ, and incidence of hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hypochloremia was also similar between the groups. Moreover, patients in ORS group experienced significantly more anorexia compared to controls, and approximately 40% of the patients were unable to continue ORS intake. ORS intake in CDDP short hydration regimens does not affect CIN and CDDP-induced electrolyte imbalance; however, its intake is associated with the incidence of anorexia suggesting that ORS should not be used for oral hydration.

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