
This study deals with the suitability and performance of the irrigation system in the Kokernag, a hilly and mountainous area in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Based on the variation in the soil texture, soil depth and output of paddy fields, the whole study area was divided into two zones, namely zone A, covering the middle portion of the Kokernag valley constituting the main paddy fields and zone B, covering the area around the nallah Bringi. The suitability of this irrigation system was assessed using parametric approach. This parametric evaluation was based on soil texture, soil depth, slope and drainage of that area. These factors were rated (0–100) based on their characteristics and importance for surface irrigation. Then, capability index was developed for each zone using the rating of above mentioned factors. On comparing this capability index with various suitability classes, it was found that the zone A was highly suitable, whereas zone B was marginally suitable for surface irrigation system. Further, the suitability analysis was carried on the basis of the availability of water and socio-economic background of that area. It was concluded that the existing system of irrigation is suitable in both the zones. The performance was evolved using physical and financial performance indicators in both the zones. Based on these performance indicators, the irrigation system in zone A was performing better than that of zone B.

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