
Purpose:To characterize noise for image receptors of digital radiography systems based on pixel variance.Methods:Nine calibrated digital image receptors associated with nine new portable digital radiography systems (Carestream Health, Inc., Rochester, NY) were used in this study. For each image receptor, thirteen images were acquired with RQA5 beam conditions for input detector air kerma ranging from 0 to 110 µGy, and linearized ‘For Processing’ images were extracted. Mean pixel value (MPV), standard deviation (SD) and relative noise (SD/MPV) were obtained from each image using ROI sizes varying from 2.5×2.5 to 20×20 mm2. Variance (SD2) was plotted as a function of input detector air kerma and the coefficients of the quadratic fit were used to derive structured, quantum and electronic noise coefficients. Relative noise was also fitted as a function of input detector air kerma to identify noise sources. The fitting functions used least‐squares approach.Results:The coefficient of variation values obtained using different ROI sizes was less than 1% for all the images. The structured, quantum and electronic coefficients obtained from the quadratic fit of variance (r>0.97) were 0.43±0.10, 3.95±0.27 and 2.89±0.74 (mean ± standard deviation), respectively, indicating that overall the quantum noise was the dominant noise source. However, for one system electronic noise coefficient (3.91) was greater than quantum noise coefficient (3.56) indicating electronic noise to be dominant. Using relative noise values, the power parameter of the fitting equation (|r|>0.93) showed a mean and standard deviation of 0.46±0.02. A 0.50 value for this power parameter indicates quantum noise to be the dominant noise source whereas values around 0.50 indicate presence of other noise sources.Conclusion:Characterizing noise from pixel variance assists in identifying contributions from various noise sources that, eventually, may affect image quality. This approach may be integrated during periodic quality assessments of digital image receptors.

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