
The aim of the research is to activate the legal responsibility for the establishment of mobile phone stations in Egypt, as well as to protect the community and to establish legal and technical controls in erecting towers. The studies and scientific experiments should continue in order to reach the certainty of potential damage in the future. The study used the comparative approach between mobile networks in terms of the laws related to these networks in Egypt, UAE and Kuwait. The sample of the research depends on the method of sampling, follow-up and extrapolation of the previous studies instead of the comprehensive inventory. The establishment of cell phone stations in Egypt compared to the laws and laws of some other countries and thus diverging the vocabulary of the study sample geographically. The most important results: Most of the legislation and laws scattered and scattered in several laws, that is the meaning of the absence of an integrated law on the networks of strengthening the mobile phone (mobile). The study also pointed to the necessity of activating the set of laws pertaining to cellular networks inside Egypt, whether by reviewing these laws or amending the sanctions (civil and penal) contained therein, so that these sanctions become respected by all. Simple fines are no longer enough to deter offender. The study concluded: To put in place effective laws to prevent the establishment of new mobile networks within the population centers or near public service places such as schools and universities, and to punish violators for the damage caused to human beings as a result. The legislator should also activate international agreements by issuing domestic legislation commensurate with the amount of damage to society caused by pollution by providing for severe and deterrent sanctions against violators. In order to address this problem, the rules of civil law play an important role in activating the legal responsibility towards the networks of strengthening the cellular phone. There are many principles stipulated by the liability system - especially civil - resulting from this problem.

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