
This study aimed to develop a suggested model related to the student’s portfolio used in evaluating the students in the university courses. After revising the theoretical literature and previous studies, two tools of the study have been constructed: Suggested model related to the student portfolio, and identifying the specifications towards using it in evaluation. After confirming the validity and reliability of the two tools of the study, they were applied to a sample of the study which consisted of (60) students from AlShobak university/Bachelor of Pre-Vocational Education, distributed equally into two groups (control group, and experimental group). To achieve the objectives of the study, two researchers evaluate the students in the course of “Foundations of Education” by using the suggested model of the student’s portfolio to the experimental group, on the other hand, there was an evaluation of the control group students’ educational acquirements in the traditional way, and to answer the questions of the study, both researchers used the averages and standard deviations, did the (T-Test), and did the analysis of unilateral and bilateral variance (ANOVA). The results of the study showed differences of statistical significance between evaluation of students through the suggested model of the student’s portfolio and evaluation in the traditional way in favor of the suggested model. Results also showed positive trend of students towards their evaluation using the suggested model, in addition, results did not show differences statistically significant to students depending on both gender and academic level. The study recommended diversity in using the Authentic Assessment ways, and that would be through evaluation their outcomes, and doing more similar studies on methods and strategies of evaluation to university students.


  • After both researchers comprehended educational literature and previous studies; they didn’t find any studies related to the subject matter directly, this search aimed to develop a proposed model for the student’s portfolio to be used in the evaluation of students in university courses, some of the studies have been found on authentic assessment, The following is a summary of the most important of these studies: Bdour (2010) conducted a study aimed to find out the degree of mathematics teachers using the authentic assessment and its relationship with perfectly students’ learning and their ability to solve math problems and attitudes in mathematics

  • Q1: Are there statistically significant differences between evaluating students in the traditional way and using the proposed model of the student’s portfolio? To answer this question, the study applied (T-Test) to examine the differences of final grades averages of students of the control and experimental groups, and Table 3 shows the results of the test

  • Table 3. results suggest that the value (T) was (11.8), and the level of significance was (0.00) which is statistically significant at the level of significance (α≤0.05), suggesting the existence of moral and spiritual differences between the final scores of students course of the foundations of education between the control and experimental groups, and in favor of the experimental group, which the proposed model of the student’s portfolio was used in the evaluation

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Background and Importance of the Study

The great accelerated development in scientific knowledge, cultural openness, and the development of information and communication technology, in addition to multi-media access to knowledge, and the complexity of life and increasing in the number of skills that must be taught to the students, all of these created an urgent need to move from the methods of traditional evaluation to others taking into account the real development in teaching and learning strategies, especially if we know that a lot of skills can’t be put right by using the paper and pencil exams, so traditional exams which students got used to centuries ago became a means of evaluation but not the only, and the role of students in determining the criteria by which they were put right increased, so the process of forming these criteria became participatory between teacher and student, evaluation was no longer the weapon the teacher used to sweeten or intimidation, on the contrary, it has become a way that directed students to achieve effective learning for productive knowledge which employed by students in their daily lives. Success and failure, their intention to continue or stop study and choosing specialization, all of these decisions are based on the evaluation primarily Such status granted evaluation continuous attention and constant updating by educators, and perhaps the most recent contemporary term is that spread termed (Authentic Assessment) (Khalili, 1996; Kincker, 1997). Development in the process of evaluation of students, sharing them in the self-evaluation, identifying standards of evaluation, and the transition from traditional evaluation to authentic one will face many difficulties in the beginning, and that is because of depending students on specific patterns of evaluation This requires good planning to introduce new evaluation programs, and sharing the teachers in the planning and implementation, and eliminating these recent developments in themselves, so that they form their clear convictions about the importance of the development intended to be implemented. The teacher has to focus on the indicators and evidence which the student has to show as evidence of the possession of learning outcomes required, and such evidence has to be documented in the student’s portfolio (Student Portfolio) (Abu Ali, 2006)

The Authentic Assessment Methods
The Purpose of the Study and the Research Questions
Objectives of the Study and Justification
Determinants of the Study
The Study Terms
Previous Studies
The Study Methodology
The Study Environment and Its Sample
Study Tools
Validity of Tools
Reliability of Tools
Application Toolkit Study
Correction of Tool
Statistical Treatment
Results and Discussion
Full Text
Paper version not known

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