
Muslims in Nigeria have for several decades been faced with the problem of intra-religious conflict which eventually led to incessant hostility and disaffection among the followers of the same faith(S.P.I.Agi,1998.p.57) The conflicts have punctuated Nigerian affairs before and after independence. The problem has led to degeneration of the mutual relationships shared between followers of the same faith, albeit with different sectarian beliefs. Government, at federal, state and local level, has created measures to try to bring about a lasting solution to this problem. Despite this effort, the input of academia in this area has been less concerted, not going beyond presentations in workshops, conferences and seminars. 
 The task of embarking on an in-depth research on Sufism and its relationship with sectarian beliefs among the Muslim groups in Nigeria has not been given much attention. The aim of this paper therefore, is to examine critically the relationship between Sufi orders and other sects among the Muslim communities in Nigeria. The research will also look at major areas of discord among the Nigerian Muslim intellig

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