
Background: Branch of Rasa Shastra is a bundle of knowledge of the minerals which when purified meticulously are utilised for the betterment of humans. There is such a unique category of calcium rich or Sudha Vargiya Bhasma which has enormous collection of different calcium sources. Aim & objectives: To study detailed concept of the respective Sudha Vargiya Bhasma and understand the importance of each calcium derivative in the Sudha Varga. Material and methods: Various classical text references of Sudha Varga were studied from different Rasa Shastra texts for Shodhan and Marana and the calcium percentage was collected from different studies conducted on them individually. Further knowledge of calcium and its absorption was obtained from the google databases. Conclusion: The compounds of calcium derivates are grouped under Sudha Varga and are the most efficient source of calcium in the body. Calcium is one of the abundant minerals required by the human body for its growth and repairment. Studies need to be conducted to find out the calcium percentage in all Sudha Vargiya Bhasma and use them accordingly at clinical levels in accordance with their calcium %.

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