
[The attention of the Surgeon-General of the U. S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service was called to the three deaths* following the use of diphtheria antitoxin, and he was asked if any investigation of the antitoxin used had been made by the Service. The following is Surgeon-General Wyman's reply]: Washington, D. C., Jan. 30, 1908. To the Editor: —I desire to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of Jannuary 25, referring to recent reports appearing inThe Journalof fatalities following the use of diphtheria antitoxin, inclosing report of another case from Dr. E. L. Boone, New Martinsville, W. Va., and requesting to be informed if the service has made any investigations in relation thereto. In reply, I have to state that samples of serum of the same laboratory number and issued by the same manufacturer, were received from Dr. Wiley of Norristown, Pa., who reported the fatal case inThe Journal, Jan. 4, 1908.

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