
Reported here are the proceedings of a symposium given in honor of Dr. Henry F. Krous upon his retirement as Clinical Professor of Pathology and Pediatrics at the University of California Schools of Medicine, and as Director of the San Diego SIDS/SUDC Research Project. Dr. Krous' distinguished 37-year-career was dedicated to research into sudden unexpected death in infancy and childhood, notably the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and sudden unexplained death in childhood (SUDC). The presentations were given at the International Conference on Stillbirth, SIDS, and infant survival on October 5, 2012, in Baltimore, MD, USA. Eight colleagues of Dr. Krous whose own professional careers were touched by his efforts discussed forensic issues related to SIDS, tissue banking, animal models in SIDS, brainstem studies in SIDS, genetic studies in SIDS, establishment of a SUDC registry, neuropathologic research in SUDC, and potential shared mechanisms underlying sudden and unexpected death in early life. The wide scope of the presentations crossed the disciplines of forensic pathology, pediatric pathology, neuropathology, neuroscience, physiology, genetics, and bereavement, and attest to Dr. Krous' far-reaching influence upon SIDS and SUDC research.

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