
Subject Khartoum's interests in South Sudan's peace deal. Significance Along with Uganda, Sudan is the regional state with the greatest stake in the resolution of South Sudan's conflict. Unlike Uganda, it has retained a low profile during the negotiations mediated by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). Now that South Sudan's President Salva Kiir has signed the peace deal and a new Juba government is, technically, being constituted, Khartoum fears that its interests in the mutual border region will not be protected. Impacts Restoring Juba's oil flow depends on security in Upper Nile and Unity; Khartoum will prioritise its political interests there over oil. Khartoum may use discord among a future reconstituted Juba government to delay the 2016 renegotiation of pipeline fees. The peace deal's local power structures may also spur calls from Machar to grant a percentage of oil income to producing states.

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