
Sucrose uptake by excised developing soybean cotyledons shows a biphasic dependence on sucrose concentration. At concentrations less than about 50 millimolar external sucrose, uptake can be described as a carrier-mediated process, with a K(m) of 8 millimolar. At higher external sucrose concentrations, a linear dependence becomes apparent, which suggests the participation of a nonsaturable component in total uptake. Sucrose absorption is dependent on the presence of an electrochemical potential gradient for protons since agents interfering with the generation or maintenance of this gradient (NaN(3) or carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone) decrease sucrose transport to a level at or below that predicted from the operation of the noncarrier-mediated process alone. The saturable component of sucrose uptake is also sensitive to the sulfhydryl-modifying compounds N-ethylmaleimide and p-chloro-mercuribenzenesulfonate. The thiol-reducing agent diethioerythritol reverses fully the p-chloro-mercuri-benzenesulfonate inhibition, but not that of N-ethyl maleim de. Sucrose transport is sensitive to external pH, being decreased at high pH(0). Since sucrose-induced depolarization of the membrane potential and carrier-mediated sucrose influx show similar pH-dependence, inhibitor sensitivity, and values of K(m) for sucrose, a sucrose/proton contransport process appears to operate in developing soybean cotyledon cells. Measurement of free space and intracellular sucrose concentrations in vivo suggests that the carrier-mediated process is fully saturated and that sucrose transport may be limiting for sucrose accumulation by the developing seed.

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