
A 56 year old Quercus petraea × Q. robur F1-hybrid was back-crossed to both parental species. Pollen mixes were applied and paternity assigned to offspring based on microsatellite markers. The studied Q. petraea × Q. robur hybrid proved highly fertile and back-crossed well with both Q. robur and Q. petraea with slight but not significant preference for Q. robur. The results do not support the hypothesis about highly unidirectional gene flow between Q. robur and Q. petraea towards Q. robur as the observed back-crossing ability of the hybrid opens a route for nuclear gene flow from Q. robur to Q. petraea. However, Q. petraea × Q. robur hybrids may be rare in nature and the results do not tell us if the (probably more common) reciprocal hybrid also back-crosses easily to Q. petraea.

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