
ABSTRACT Word retraining programs have been shown to improve naming ability post-stroke and in progressive aphasias. Here, we investigated benefits for a 22-year-old Danish man (DJ), whose difficulties followed brain damage from heavy alcohol misuse. Using a multiple baseline-across-behaviours design (target behaviour: retrieval of word list items), DJ completed a 4-week “Look, Listen, Repeat” program on a computer. Ninety personally relevant target words were selected to create three matched lists. List 1 was trained for 10 sessions over 2 weeks, followed by 9 sessions for List 2 over 2 weeks, while the third list remained untrained. Naming performance was evaluated at baseline, during the intervention, and at 1 and 4 months post-training. Naming improved following each intervention block (p < .001), with only one data point overlapping between the baseline and treatment phases for trained items. Untrained words remained unchanged (p = 1.00), with 50% of data points non-overlapping across baseline to treatment phases. Performance was maintained over time, and appeared to generalize, with DJ naming more trained objects in their natural setting (85%) than untrained items (64%). While more evidence is needed, brief (20-minute), intensive (5-day/week) word retraining programs may assist word retrieval for people with brain damage associated with alcohol misuse.

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