
Worldwide 50%–70% of all cases of maternal morbidity have been attributed to postpartum hemorrhage. This report discusses a case of bicornuate uterus in a term pregnancy. The delivery was by cesarean section, which was followed by massive postpartum hemorrhage, managed successfully with balloon tamponade. This is the second reported case of successful management of post partum hemorrhage in a bicornuate uterus with balloon tamponade. A 22-year-old primigravida at 39 weeks of gestational age presented with vaginal leaking of clear fluid. Cesarean section was done due to meconium stained liquor in early labor; with an incidental finding of bicornuate uterus followed by massive postpartum hemorrhage managed successfully with balloon tamponade. The use of uterine balloon tamponade as an effective method to control postpartum hemorrhage has been studied extensively, but use in cases of hemorrhage associated with uterine malformations has not been reported much in literature. Use of uterine balloon tamponade in case of uterine malformations has been highlighted in our case as an effective non-surgical method to control hemorrhage.

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