
Remarkable progress has been observed in the treatment of intestinal atresias during the past fifteen years. Prior to 1927 only 4 cases of atresia of the intestine had been successfully treated by surgery.<sup>1</sup>When Webb and Wangensteen<sup>2</sup>in 1931 reviewed some 500 reported cases of intestinal atresia, only 9 survivals could be found. Ten years later Cohen<sup>3</sup>estimated that another 150 cases had been reported but that there were now over 50 instances of successful surgical treatment. It is difficult to estimate the operative survival following early and adequate surgical treatment as most cases have been reported individually or, at best, in small groups, owing to the comparative rarity of this condition. Ladd,<sup>4</sup>however, has recently published the results of 49 cases of atresia of the small intestine treated in his clinic. In this group there were 7 survivals (14 per cent). Multiple intestinal atresias are

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