
Bladder herniation with obstructive uropathy is a relatively rare occurrence, however, urinary bladder herniation along with ureteroneocystostomy and leading to positional obstructive uropathy of the graft is an unusual presentation. This is a unique case of a 38-year-old male who presented with inguinal hernia with raised serum creatinine who had undergone renal transplant 10 years back in 2011. Magnetic resonance urogram revealed herniation of urinary bladder and hydroureteronephrosis of transplant kidney. Patient is managed by surgical exploration through inguinal incision and reduction of ureteroneocystostomy herniation after ureterolysis and hernioplasty was performed. The cause of obstructive uropathy was herniation of the bladder along with ureteroneocystostomy, and the patient has an insidious onset of symptoms, immediate exploration, and repair of hernia done without any need for percutaneous nephrostomy. Importance of this case report is that sliding herniation of the bladder with ureteroneocystostomy should be considered a diagnosis and investigated if the patient presents with positional obstructive uropathy with inguinal hernia, leading to early identification and salvaging the graft function.

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