
Introduction: The birth of conjoined twins is an event extremely rare that offers unique therapeutic challenges and circumstances. We must examine each situation with the many questions that arise and which sometimes require a long reflection. We report a case of separation of pygopages conjoined twins as well as a review of the literature. Patients and Observations: a pair of conjoined twins aged 11 days, weighing 3080 g between them, was referred to the neonatology department from the Faranah prefecture, 300 km from Conakry, for care. The mother, a 30-year-old housewife, multipara, eight gestures and nine parities, had not followed any prenatal consultation. The delivery took place at home in a village with the death of the mother immediately postpartum. The clinical and paraclinical investigation had concluded with the diagnosis of Siamese type pygopage. After multidisciplinary consultation, the surgical treatment by separation of the twins was carried out at the age of 50 days with success and preservation of the physiological functions. Conclusion: The birth of conjoined twins is extremely rare. Each pair of Siamese is different and the surgical strategy must be adapted according to the shared organs. The perfect multidisciplinary work of the medical staff has been the main contributor to our success.

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