
Regulatory agency interaction occurs from before a candidate drug enters clinical development and all the way to marketing approval and beyond. This paper presents ways to enable successful interaction by avoiding issues, with an emphasis on nonclinical testing aspects. Strategic thinking as to whether an early regulatory agency meeting should occur is discussed and if yes, how to make it a success by generating relevant questions with proper preparation including a robust Briefing Document. Examples of unfavourable regulatory agency feedback during meetings is given which may have been avoided. Similarly, ways for successful regulatory submission in the form of a Clinical Trials Application (CTA) in Europe or an Investigational New Drug (IND) application in the US are considered with examples of comments that can be received from regulatory agencies. At marketing application stage with submission of a Marketing Authorisation Application (MAA) in Europe and a New Drug Application (NDA) or a Biologic License Application (BLA) in the US, a key document is the Nonclinical Overview and suggested content and potential deficiencies are presented to allow avoidance of adverse regulatory agency responses and time delay. Successful regulatory agency interaction involves robust scientific thinking, proper planning and well-written documentation.

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