
Ectopic ureter is a rare congenital anomaly of the genitourinary system, in which ureter does not insert into its normal anatomical position in bladder. Incidence is 1 in 4000 and has female predominance. Ectopic ureter is generally (80-85%) associated with a duplication of renal system, while in single system is found in 15-20%. If ectopic ureter drains a single kidney it is known as single system ectopic ureter (SSEU) in a female is extremely rarely found. Here, we report a case of single system ectopic ureter without renal dysplasia and other congenital abnormalities, which was diagnosed and managed successfully with uretero-neocystostomy. In conclusion, once a female is presented with urinary incontinence after toilet training then evaluation should be done for ectopic ureter along with other possible condition and management should be as early as possible & proper surgical intervention done.

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