
A one-year-and-seven-month-old, 28 kg, male castrated crossbreed dog was presented for supraventricular tachycardia causing recurrent episodes of anorexia and lethargy. Sotalol (2.2 mg/kg q12 h) reduced the frequency of symptomatic episodes but did not provide full relief. Three-dimensional electroanatomical mapping was performed at the Ghent University Small Animal Teaching hospital using the CARTO 3. Right atrial activation mapping identified the earliest atrial activation right posteroseptal, near the tricuspid annulus. Fast retrograde ventriculoatrial conduction during tachycardia and extrastimulus testing confirmed the presence of a concealed right posteroseptal accessory pathway. Six radiofrequency catheter ablation applications were delivered, and tachycardia remained uninducible. The dog recovered well from the procedure. Sotalol was stopped three weeks later, and no more clinical signs were noted by the owner. Repeated 24-hour electrocardiography monitoring on day one and at one, three, and 12 months after the procedure showed no recurrence of tachycardia.

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