
Bezoars are masses or concretions of indigestible materials found in the gastrointestinal tract, usually in the stomach. Case reports of childhood gastric bezoars (particularly phytobezoars) are rare. In this age group they represent a therapeutic challenge, because of the combination of hard consistency and great size. The present report concerns an 8-year-old boy with a history of high fruit intake, presenting with abdominal complaints due to a large gastric phytobezoar. Successful endoscopic fragmentation coupled with suction removal was accomplished, using a standard-channel endoscope. Although laborious, it has been shown to be an efficacious and safe procedure, completed in one session. Endoscopic techniques for pediatric bezoar management may thus be cost effective, taking into account the avoidance of surgery, the length of the hospital stay and the number of endoscopic sessions.

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