
Emphysematous cystitis is a rare type of urinary tract infection that is characterized by the accumulation of gas within the walls and lumen of the urinary bladder. In rarer instances, pneumoperitoneum may accompany emphysematous cystitis. When pneumoperitoneum is suspected through imaging studies in patients with emphysematous cystitis, surgical abdominal exploration is frequently performed considering the possibility of bladder perforation or coexistence of intestinal perforation. We successfully managed a case of emphysematous cystitis accompanied with pneumoperitoneum conservatively. A 90-year-old woman hospitalized with a gastric ulcer developed abrupt lower abdominal pain and hematuria. Contrast-enhanced CT revealed gas within the bladder wall, which was consistent with emphysematous cystitis, and pneumoperitoneum. No obvious bowel or bladder perforation was observed in the CT scan. Regarding her high surgical risk and clinical stability, surgical abdominal exploration was not performed, and she was managed conservatively with urethral catheter placement and antibiotics. She recovered with the treatment, and CT imaging obtained on day 18 demonstrated resolution of the bladder wall emphysema and no signs of pneumoperitoneum. We performed a literature review using MEDLINE and Japana Centra Revuo Medicina Web and confirmed 13 previously reported cases of emphysematous cystitis and pneumoperitoneum. Based on the review of these 13 cases and our case, it is difficult to predict the presence of bladder perforation solely based on peritoneal signs in physical findings or ascites on CT scans. Therefore, it would be preferable to perform surgical abdominal exploration to make a definite diagnosis and select an appropriate treatment. However, the fact that at least eight out of the 10 cases managed conservatively survived suggests that there is a specific clinical entity among patients who present with emphysematous cystitis and pneumoperitoneum that can be safely managed conservatively. Further accumulation of cases and research is necessary to determine which cases can be treated conservatively.

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