
Reversion is the most wide-spread and serious virus-like disease infecting black currant but the causal agent of the disease has not been described. Recently, we have isolated a new nepovirus from reversion-infected black currant and by using immunocapture-RT-PCR detection, we have shown that the virus is consistently associated with reversion disease (Lemmetty et al., Phytopathology 87: 404–413, 1997). These data suggested that the virus, tentatively called black currant reversion associated virus (BRAV), could be the causal agent of reversion disease. Here we report that the isolated virus was successfully inoculated back to healthy black currant plants by slash inoculation of in vitro propagated young recipient plants. Vein pattern symptoms identical or very similar to the reported early symptoms of reversion disease were produced in the virus-infected plants. Using immunocapture-RT-PCR, the virus was again detected from symptomatic but not from inoculated symptomless plants or from the mock-inoculated or uninoculated controls. Production of the acute reversion symptoms demonstrates that BRAV is the causal agent of reversion disease, and we therefore propose that the virus be named black currant reversion virus, abbreviated BRV.

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