
In 2013, 4 partner organizations: Dietitians of Canada (DC); Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association; Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; and Ontario Ministry of Education created "Fresh from the Farm" (FFF), a healthy fundraiser for Ontario Schools. FFF was designed to support the Ontario government's School Food and Beverage Policy and Local Food Act and to provide a feasible alternative for less healthy fundraising options. This paper outlines the program successes and challenges over the 6 years of DC's involvement. After 6 years, over 1700 schools successfully participated in FFF and over $2 million has been paid to Ontario farmers for product and distribution. The average participating school has generated $2040 in sales towards their fundraising efforts, equating to 770kg (1700 lbs) of fresh produce per school. Schools reported high satisfaction with FFF, with over 90% of participating schools enrolling in subsequent years. The main reasons for satisfaction included: easy to implement, profitable, offers a healthy alternative to "traditional" fundraising programs, and provides great value for cost. The main challenges were logistics of sourcing and delivery, higher than anticipated costs that made the financial model less feasible than predicted, and competition from other fundraisers.

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